Just wanted to share with ya’ll the little things I did in the past year (tbh, they were mostly done in the past few months, haha). So many ups and downs with a lot to be excited about. Let’s go!

Mom to Toddler Kaz – So, I have a toddler now. Can’t believe I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in over a year. Hahaha, I still love you, kid!
Finally saw TESSERACT live in concert – It was a longtime dream to catch one of my favoritest bands in the world! I almost caught them in London back in 2014, but Heathrow and the Tube had other plans for me. A decade later, I made it to their show in Singapore with my husband, and it was AMAZING.
Discovered online ukay – Okay, I’ve known about it from way back, but only got into it last month, and boy has it been a rush! I’m planning to sell stuff from my personal closet too soon!
Renewed driver’s license – Sho pointed out that I should’ve added “and updated to Hikino.” We’ve been married for three years now and only made the change this month, because it’s めんどくさい to go to the LTO just for the name change but then not get the brand-new 10 years validity.
Frequently confused – Aren’t we all? But thanks to YouTube tutorials, my confusion gets cured!
Level 35 – Because I’m 35 now!
Reviving Book WIP – I’ve had this shelved since 2019. There was so much I wanted to do with it, but I didn’t know which direction to take. Should it be a picture book? A chapter book? But after a nice chat with my friend, Anima, I finally landed with a decision and sent a one sheet to my agent.
Back to doing freelance design – It’s something I’ve kinda done on the side, but I’m more focused on that these days. After leaving my part-time gig at Bandwagon Asia this past May, I was suddenly showered with design projects left and right. It was pretty cool! And I even scored a retainer gig with a dream client!
Music journalist now doing PR – So we’ve started a new music PR group—Mirrorball Asia. We pushed our first artist, likewise2000, and have a lot in store in the coming months.
Still illustrator-ing – I may have fallen into a weird creative rut the past few months, but I recognize that I am still an illustrator! The recent full moon gave me some powers, and I was able to draw for the first time in a while. I’ve even gone around to updating my website/portfolio with a brand new look and switched hosts. Feels good!
Happy birthday! Looking forward to Mirrorball Asia!