The past two years have been beyond incredible. In those two years, I saw numerous shows across the globe and was a part of 26 in Manila.

And it’s not just the bands that made these two years special. It’s more of the fans. The real fans who reach out to support their favorite artists—no matter what the cost. Seeing their smiles from behind the barricade always makes my insides turn into mush. Their tears, their screams, their love; they all make we want to wrap my arms around them as they thrash in a massive circle pit. When they post about how excited they are about the shows, it just pumps me up even more to work harder, to dream bigger.

But it’s about time I move on to the next adventure. At this point, I’m facing several forks on the road and the decision to pick which one to take is right ahead. The only thing I’m sure of is that I know I’m ready for anything. Thank you to everyone who has stepped into my life, and helped me rise up in the past two years. Thank you for believing in me, and inspiring me to believe in myself. It’s been a blast.

Fuck it, now I’m crying.

This is Kara Bodegón, signing off from PULP.